Thursday, July 24, 2008

happy birthday to me!

It's my birthday, it's raining like crazy from Dolly. I'm getting caught up on stuff I've been needing to do.

I promised to do some updates this week, so I'm attempting a quickie here. Here's some pictures that Laura took of a couple of weeks ago at my mom & dad's house. She has a kickin' new camera that she was experimenting with. We were about to go swimming so that's why Paco is "topless" (as Kari says).

Sunday, July 20, 2008

ok I know it's been a month....

since my last post. I've had a little stress lately. I promise to update more this week. For now, here's a picture my friend Kari took of Lillie at Carrie M's birthday party (over a month ago). Love it.