Wednesday, June 3, 2009

is it really june already?

I just found this in my drafts folder...think I'll just publish it.

dated 6/9/09
Here begings another attempt at a catch up. I think I am ready to give up on the whole catching up and staying up to date idea. I think maybe I should just write what I want whenever I have the time and not worry about it. I always have such good intentions on starting and keeping up with projects and ideas, it's just following through and finishing that I have issues with. I freely admit it.

I used to say that the days flew by like the blink of an eye. Now, I don't even have time to blink, and BOOM...another day is gone. I want to be productive but at the same time I just want to veg and chill during the few free moments I do get. I don't even watch tv anymore, I'd rather just sit in silence. Lately I've even been falling asleep when the babies do. I guess the lack of sleep thing effects me more than I care to admit. I don't really even notice it anymore except for times like this when I sit and analize everything.

w-o-w, that was a rambly beginning. I really wanted to come and make a post because of a major event that happened tonight. Lillie went pee pee in her potty! Paco took off her diaper while filling up the bathtub, she said "pee pee", he put her on the potty and she went. SWEET! I won't hold my breath for an instant, over-night toilet training but it's a start! Ah, what has my life become to be so excited over some urine?

While we are speaking of the lovely miss L, here's some more of her latest...
-she said "thank you mama" after I peeled a banana for her. Totally heart melted.
-she knows a few words and parts of songs and sings them randomly. Often, she dances while she sings.
-loves all of her dollys so much. She brought me my mei tei (carrier) and her doll the other day and said "stroller". What she was telling me was that she wanted to carry the baby like mommy does. So freakin awesome, another heart melter. She also rocks her babies, puts them to "nite nite" and tells them to take a nap. She also tells

1 comment:

Rita Maria Avery said...

Carrie, Whenever you have time, I am always anxious to read your updates, rambling or not. You are an amazing writer and I always feel connected when I get to read about you and your feelings, and the babies, of course. When I would feel overwhelmed and exhausted, my Mom would say, "You're living." And I understood that it was good to be in the present, caring for the most important people--but it IS exhausting, dizzyingly so, and one wants to produce a physical thing that represents a 'task accomplished'. Creative work. But you are doing it, the most creative work of bringing up babies!
The new pictures are great! Thanks so much, Carrie!!