Sunday, December 21, 2008

lillie update

Let's see how quickly I can do this. I've wanted to update, but can't seem to find time. At 13 and a half months, Lillie walks, runs, LOVES to have books read to her, has quite a decent vocabulary, and generally gets into everything. Such a fun and exhausting age! She is sweet and has a very loving nature. She can also be as fragile as a flower and cry over the smallest things (like another child crying). She's becoming more independent, yet still a big 'ol momma's girl.

hello, bye, doggie, meow (for cats), lillie, baby, momma, dadda, isaac (more like IIIIIIIIkk), book, ball, bear, eye, nose, mouth, ear, mouse, elmo, more (with the sign, sometimes without), night night, no, done, down, apple, duck, cheese, shoes, juice, didy (for diaper), nanna, santa...I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting.
She will also repeat a lot of words after I say them (mostly a one time deal)

Animal sounds:
woof (sounds like boof), meow, baaa, moo, neigh, bawk

this girl LOVES books! She demands to be read to all of the time. On some of her favorite books, she says certain parts. Sadly, I have most of her books memorized since I read them so often.
favorites include a lot of dr. suess books (ABC's, There's a Wocket in my pocket), Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see?

Extra fun little things:
LOVES dogs, says woof anytime she sees one
says "wwweeeeeee" for anything like the swing, rocking horse, or anything crazy or dangerous
screams and puts her hand over her mouth when you tell her no
she loves to carry anything heavy or oversized
she dances this crazy butt dance that is too cute!
favorite foods include apple, black beans, cheese, banana, peas, avacado, oatmeal, potatoe, egg

Catching up with photos...
black beans and avacado, a favorite meal...


She said "brrrrr" today

1 comment:

Rita Maria Avery said...

I thought I just posted a very long comment, but I don't do this often enough, and get waylaid every time. so know that I have tried.
I really enjoy all the posts, and appreciate your sharing everyday life with the lovely Miss Lil'. We enjoyed a too-short visit with Pax and Lillie last Saturday, and you guys do come over if you are anywhere near the neighborhood and we are home--also do NOT go and eat out--I will fix y'all something to eat, and with pleasure. Love to all of you!